Hiring….Road Blocks?

Nov 9, 2011 | Hiring and Interviewing | 0 comments

road-signHave you ever wondered why it seems so hard to find the right candidate for your open position? The job market is flush with candidates, so why isn’t hiring the right person easy?

I recently read an article in INC magazine regarding common problems amongst interviewers. Although the article is geared toward entrepreneurs, the problems can apply to anyone hiring these days. Maybe you or your company are faced with hiring the right candidate at the right time.

Problem 1: “Unhealthy Attraction”
People tend to hire individuals that are similar in personality. Sometimes this can be toxic to the work environment. If you are an independent, driven leader and tend to hire individuals with those same personality traits, are you creating a team environment? Or…are you creating an environment not conducive to collaboration? To avoid falling into this pit, involve not only the hiring manager but also peers of the candidate in the interview process.

Problem 2: “Perfectionism”
Is the best candidate the one with the skills or the “can do” attitude? Often times employers say one but search for the other…the skills…the credentials. Many times employers will tell us “I don’t want someone who’s already been at this level, I want someone who is eager and ready to be at the next level”. But, in reality, when presented candidates, it’s the list of credentials and whether or not the candidate has already been in the role and performed the tasks that an employer focuses on. Determine what qualities are essential to the position, what can be taught and bear in mind that any new hire needs a period of time to acclimate to the company’s environment.

Problem 3: “Analysis Paralysis”
Clients have shared that in today’s market, it is better to hire slow because you can always fire fast. However, hiring too slow is a detriment to your efforts. Maybe you’ve made a hiring mistake or two in the past, maybe you’re very detailed and thorough, but if the interviewing process drags on, you will more than likely lose a candidate that, at one point, you identified as “the one”. How can you combat this problem? Trust your instincts. Don’t involve more than 2 or 3 managers in the hiring process – too many evaluations can complicate and cloud the decision.

Problem 4: “Procrastination”
Your employees are overworked and your hiring process is now in crisis mode. You can’t find enough good employees to add to your staff. In the meantime, you are losing your good employees. Take steps to prevent this situation. Network when you can and keep a list of prospective hires based upon whom you meet. Create an employee referral program.

In summary, all companies, regardless of the entrepreneurial stage they are in, face these challenges. If you are finding that you’re constantly trying to fill the same position or have had the position open for 6 months and feel unsuccessful, stop and evaluate your hiring practices. Can you identify at least one of these 4 problems?